The Demand for Therapy Resources Has Never Been Higher
Find a Resource
* Are you spending hours online trying to find the perfect resource for your client?
* Are you often embarrassed or frustrated by poorly designed client resources?
*Do you feel ill-equipped to meet the varied demands of the clients you work with each day?
Become a Contributor
* Are you missing out on money you could be making from sharing years of experience?
*Are you spending massive amounts of time and money to market your own resources with little success?
* Do you spend countless hours on confusing and complicated databases to find client resources?

Maximize Your Therapy Potential
Get exactly what you need for every client in a single marketplace.
Leverage your work time better and gain more time enjoying life outside the office.
Maximize the quality of your therapy with easy to use and actionable resources for your clients.

Expand How You Help
Make passive income from your experience.
Gain greater notoriety in your field of expertise.
Support other therapists in a marketplace made for therapists.

Get the Resources You Need FAST
1. Search Therapist Marketplace
Browse the marketplace to search dozens of resources designed by your peers.
2. Find Your Resource
Drop your resources in the cart and join our FB community to get more ideas to better your practice.
3. Go Back to Step One
Be sure to save us in your favorites so you can come back again and quickly find what you need.

Earn Money By Sharing Your Experience and Knowledge
1. Create Your Resource
Use your knowledge and expertise to create sellable resources.
2. Upload Into Therapist Marketplace
Create a profile on Therapist Marketplace and upload your content.
3. Start Making Money
Begin enjoying your extra income while we do the rest for you!

Join our free Facebook Group
Join our Facebook community filled with your peers who can support, encourage, and offer ideas on improving client care around the world.