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Therapy Journaling: Prompts and Mental Health Support, bundle

Mental Health Momma

Regular price $10.00 USD
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This contains journaling prompts to support trauma, anxiety, depression, relationships, patterns, and habits.  This bundle also contains habit trackers, monthly, weekly, and daily calendars, and plenty of room to write!!  50+ pages
You may print and copy this to share with clients, but please don't claim or sell this as your own.  
What Is Therapeutic Journaling? Therapeutic journaling is the process of writing down our thoughts and feelings about our personal experiences. This kind of private reflection allows us to sort through events and problems we may be struggling with. It allows us to come to a deeper understanding of ourselves with a different perspective on these difficulties. Therapeutic journaling differs from more traditional diary writing, which involves recording the details of daily events. In contrast, therapeutic journaling is an internal process of using the written word to express the full range of emotions, reactions, and perceptions we have related to difficult, upsetting, or traumatic life events. This can also mean writing ourselves to better emotional and physical health and a greater sense of well-being.

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